CHROMO-SON THERAPY (R): to restore the balance of body, emotions and mind. It is one of the quantum therapies and medicine, the so-called vibrational medicine ?? (Chromo = color + Son = sound)
When vibrations heal us and restore our balance, bringing back health and energy… ♥️?studio medico fisioterapico
In the coming weeks I will present you the results of medical research and studies published by doctors and researchers who intervened in several conferences I attended in the last year.
Everything is vibration: our physical body, our emotional body, our thoughts, our words.
Harmonious vibrations create harmonious graphs of encephalograms and electrocardiograms (round curves) 〰️
Vibrations of anger and fear create disharmonious graphs of encephalogram and electrocardiogram (spiked graphs) 〽️
All we have to do is raising our vibrations to feel better.
Chromo-son therapy is a wonderful help ??…/vibrational-and-energetic-therapy-wit…/…

For info Annalisa Bianchi Scacchi, Chromo-Son therapist since 2001, managing director of Ama-Ti Center, Prevention and Health (natural and quantum therapies and medicine)
Dr. Med. Silvia Di Luzio, surgeon, cardiologist and researcher (ref: graphs convention UPAINuC 05.07.2020)