Mar 2020
Increasing our electromagnetic field, that is our vibrations.
We explain how
Human beings are constituted by three bodies:
- The physical body
- The emotional body
- The mental or spiritual body
For believers it is all connected to our Creator, God:
Source of life we come from and to which we return.
True healing occurs when all 3 bodies are aligned and in harmony. For example, there can be no healing only on the physical level when the emotional or mental/spiritual one are in disharmony and suffer.
Healing is always an active process
There is no lasting healing that can be relegated to a simple pill, it would be too easy. We have to put our own spin on it!
Chromo-sound therapy is part of quantum vibrational therapies and quantum medicine.
It is based on the concept that everything is vibration, at different levels of bonds between atoms and molecules.
The bonds between molecules of a hard material such as a metal they vibrate at a different level than those between molecules of our softer skin, for example.
A healthy cell in our liver, for example, has a different vibration than a cancer cell in the same liver.
Our emotions have different vibrations depending on whether they are emotions of joy or sadness (they give us actually different energy and moods).
Our words have different vibrations as well as our thoughts.
Our immune system is stronger when our vibrations are higher.
Our electromagnetic field is therefore high for instance:
– when we love and/or pray
– when we have positive thoughts and emotions
– when we act for our own good and the good of the community.
Do you have too strong emotions that also affect your physical body and it is not easy to achieve health and serenity on your own? Chromo-sound therapy can help you reach the goal:
The Chromo-Son Perpetuum Robur (R) is
an instrument of energetic harmonization
that rebalances our 3 bodies:
physical, emotional and mental or spiritual.
Excellent for all physical disorders of psychosomatic and
emotional origin and to recover physical and mental energy.
For more information contact us: info@ama-ti.ch 079 390 59 58
What can we do from home to increase our vibrations:
– We feed positive thoughts and emotions!!! It’s very important!!!!
– Every day we sing, dance, play as a family, study, work from home, exercise, eat healthy food (light and as much fruit and vegetables as possible), we praise God with our children with joyful songs, songs of joy, peace, … we ask for the protection and support of those in the front line and those around us who provide services.
– Let us expose ourselves to the sun at least 20 minutes every day when it’s sunny. It activates vitamin D and strengthens the immune system.
Do you ignore who to connect with to take exercise classes or positive thinking classes or online chanting every day? Contact us, we’ll advise you to what’s best for you.
Are you afraid?
Please feel free to contact us and we’ll be pleased to help you for free:
info@ama-ti.ch 079 390 59 58 and start by not looking at the media, detach yourself!
On our Facebook page there are interesting videos that you can also connect to from this website if you don’t have Facebook.
The coronavirus?
It’s an invitation to elevate the frequencies of human consciousness and heart
for all mankind
Together we’ll make it!
Best wishes
Annalisa Bianchi Scacchi and Ama-Ti team
Ama-Ti Center
Prevention and health with natural and quantum therapies and medicine